Marketplace Net Asset and Liquidity Test
Net Asset and Liquidity Test
par Fintrax
Working papers

The liquidity test template provides the mandatory tests that are required when a company plans to
pay out capital.

This package contains the net asset and liquidity test which is required for issuing profit distribution according to the new company law.

The Liquidity Test provides the financial tests that are required when a Belgian private limited liability company (i.e. Besloten Vennootschap) wants to distribute profit (e.g. dividend payout). The tests include the 'net asset test' and the 'liquidity test'. The tool is developed in accordance with the Belgian Company Code dd. 23rd of March 2019 (Art. 5:142 & 5:143).
The Licensed Tool combines financial information of the client (e.g. annual accounts, trial balance, general ledger) and End User adjustable hypotheses/input. The final output of the tool is an internal report for the Board of Directors and General Meeting of Shareholders which is required by Belgian Company law (Art. 5:143) in case of a dividend payout.

Templates that are in this bundle:

Balance test
Liquidity test
Management report

To view a recorded demo of the Liquidity Test package in French, click here!

To view recorded demos of the Net Asset and Liquidity Test in Dutch, click here!

Please note that minimum license fees may apply. For more information, please contact your Customer Success Manager or go here!

Please contact for all comments and fixes.

Ce paquet comprend
Bilan après distribution
Compte de résultat
Compte de résultats après distribution
Comptes de tiers
Flux de trésorerie
Flux de trésorerie après distribution
Flux de Trésorerie Mensuel
Flux de Trésorerie Mensuel
Hypothèses bilan avant distribution
Hypothèses compte de résultat avant distribution
Immobilisations (achat/vente)
Nouveaux prêts
Rapport de gestion
Rapport de gestion
Rapport de l’assemblée générale extraordinaire
Rapport spécial à l’assemblée générale
Test de l'actif net
Tests de distribution
Workflow working screens
Tests de distribution
Liquiditeitstest - Bijzonder verslag algemene vergadering
Test de liquidité - Assemblée générale extraordinaire
Test de liquidité