Marketplace Standard working papers (Belgium)
Standard working papers (Belgium)
by Silverfin
Working papers

All silverfin templates you need to prepare your year end closing.

These templates allows you to prepare your year end in an efficient way. Our broad selection of reconciliations and account templates cover every aspect of your year end closing, from reconciling your fixed assets to matching your turnover in your bookkeeping with your VAT returns.

This package includes
Account Templates
Accrued/Deferred Charges and Accrued/Deferred Income
Breakdown of fleet costs
Capital & contribution
Credit notes to be issued (No longer maintained)
Credit notes to be received (No longer maintained)
Current account
Depreciation and investment table
Disallowed expenses
Doubtful debtors
Gains and Losses
Invoices to be issued (No longer maintained)
Invoices to be issued or received - Credit notes to be issued or received
Invoices to be received (No longer maintained)
Loans & Leasings (17)
Loans & Leasings (42)
Meal vouchers
Overview of investments (No longer maintained)
Property tax
Rental income
Rent (and Other Rights to Immovable Property)
Spread Taxation of Capital Gains (680)
Stock verification
Warrants and loans
Reconciliation Texts
273 A - dividends and employee participation
273(A) - Letter to customer
273 - Income from movable property and capital and various income from movable nature
Benefit in kind
Capital gains
Fixed assets
Immovable property
Interest calculation
Justification remuneration directors
Justification remuneration employees
Liquidation reserve
Loans and leasings
Silverfin Assistant - Follow-up
Turnover comparison
VAT Balance
Withholding tax – reconciliation with 75 account
Workflow working screens
Balance sheet, result and appropriation conforming WVV
Working papers sole traders
Balance sheet and result conforming WVV: company with share capital (Mapped file Silverfin)
Balance sheet, result and appropriation conforming WVV: company without share capital (Mapped file Silverfin)
EBIT(DA) Interactive (mapped file Silverfin)
Working papers
Working papers sole traders
Account Mapping Lists
BE Silverfin Mapping List