Marketplace BE Non profit offering
BE Non profit offering
by Fintrax
Statutory reports
Corporation tax

Everything you need to prepare the closing for non-profit organisations and associations in Belgium.

All templates are available in 3 languages, English, Dutch and French.

The following workflows are available:

  • Patrimonium tax
  • Annual accounts
  • Legal documents
  • Tax declaration

The workflows have the same familiar look and feel as those of the companies, making it easy to adopt.

To view a pre-recorded demo of the Non profit package in Dutch, click here and in French, click here.

Patrimonium tax
The taxable assets and deductible items can be selected via the #. Based on the selected accounts, the book value at the end of the financial year and the actual value on the first date of the following year are completed automatically.
After filing in the taxable assets and the deductible items, the patrimonium tax is automatically calculated.
When complete, a pdf export can be generated, in accordance to the government requirements.
The workflow also includes a mailing that can be sent to your customer advising what taxes need to be paid.

Annual accounts
The workflow is comparable to the annual accounts workflow for companies: the data already completed in the general company information and the working papers automatically flows through to the annual accounts.
The legal and additional checks as well as the accounting remarks are also included in the checks template.
For the filing of the annual accounts the PDF export or the xbrl file can be used.

Lastly an annual report is provided, which is automatically filled in with data from Silverfin.
The package will be extended by Legal documents (also containing General company information) and Tax later in 2022.

Please contact for all comments and fixes.

This package includes
Export Files
Patrimonium Tax
XBRL Annual accounts non profit
XBRL Tax on non-profit organisations
Reconciliation Texts
270 MLH
Accountants and reports
Added values
Added values (on shares)
Added values (real estate)
Advance payments
Affliated enterprises - participating interests and shares
Annual report
Annual report
Appropriation account
Appropriation account
Assets under construction and advance payments
Auditing or adjustment mission
Auditing or adjustment mission
Auditors report
Balance sheet after appropriation
Balance sheet after appropriation
Balance sheet after appropriation
Calculation tax on non-profit organisations
Checks and controles
Checks and controles
Companies with shareholdings - Participating interests and shares
Concessions, patents, licences, know-how, brands and similar rights
Derivatives not measured at fair value
Development costs
Disallowed expense for the benefit in kind relating to company cars
Dividends paid by certain intermunicipal companies
Equity and liabilities
Factual questions
Financial benefits or benefits of any kind
Financial fixed assets
Financial relationships with
Financial results
Furniture and vehicles
General company information
Identification details
Identification details
Income and charge of exceptional size or incidence
Income statement
Income statement
Income subject to withholding tax
Income taxes and other taxes
Intangible fixed assets
Land and buildings
Leasing and similar rights
Legal constructions
List of enterprises for which the association or foundation has unlimited liability as partner or member
List of other linked entities
List of the directors, business managers and auditors and statement regarding an additional order for review or correction
List of the directors, business managers and auditors and statement regarding an additional order for review or correction
Management report
Members list
Minutes of the general meeting
Minutes of the meeting of the governance body
Movable income paid or allocated
Non-justified expenses or benefits in kind or revenues from copyrights and related rights and financial advantages
Normalized minimum schedule
Operating results
Other enterprises - participating interests and shares
Other information to enclose
Other investments and deposits, allocation deferred charges and accrued income
Other tangible fixed assets
Participating interests information
Pensions, capitals, employers' contributions and premiums
Plant, machinery and equipment
Property income
Property income of Belgian origin
Property income of foreign origin
Relationships with affiliated entities, associated companies, directors and administrators
Relationships with affliated enterprises, associated enterprises and other enterprises linked by participating interests
Rights and commitments not reflected in the balance sheet
Rights and commitments not reflected in the balance sheet
Social balance sheet
Social balance sheet
Statement of allocated funds and provisions
Statement of amounts payable
Statement of amounts payable, accrued charges and deferred income
Statement of formation expenses or capital increase expenses, loan issue expenses and restructuring costs
Statement of funds, allocated funds and provisions
Tangible fixed assets
Tax credit
Unjustified costs or benefits of any kind
Valuation rules
Valuation rules
Workflow working screens
NPO - Annual accounts
NPO - Legal docs
NPO - Patrimonium tax
NPO - Tax on non-profit organisations
Balance sheet, result and appropriation - Non profit
NPO - Annual accounts
NPO - Legal docs
NPO - Patrimonium tax
NPO - Tax on non-profit organisations
Insight Segments
List of NPOs and foundations that have to pay a patrimonium tax
List of NPOs and foundations whose chosen model differs from the proposed one