Marketplace NL Annual Accounts (Micro, Small & Midsize)
NL Annual Accounts (Micro, Small & Midsize)
by Silverfin
Statutory reports

All the templates you need to prepare and submit the annual accounts (micro, small & midsize companies).

Annual accounts in silverfin allows you to prepare your annual accounts for micro, small & midsize entities, and to create the xbrl for filing with the Chamber of Commerce.

Silverfin automatically precompletes the annual accounts based upon information already completed via our standard working papers. Via the configuration box in each template, you can overwrite our standard texts into your personal office defaults text, which enables an efficient and uniform annual accounts preparation process.

For midsize companies specifically, all specifications needed to create a full publication file are available, without the need to change the XBRL-file by youself.

Last but no least, the annual accounts are available in Dutch & English!

This package includes
Export Files
Export AFAS Fiscaal
Fiscaal Gemak export
Nextens export
NL klein publicatiestukken
NL micro publicatiestukken
NL publicatiestukken (micro/klein/middelgroot)
Reconciliation Texts
Accountant's compilation report
Accounting policies
Accounting policies activated production for own use
Accounting policies benefits after dismissal
Accounting policies cash and bank
Accounting policies cash flow statement
Accounting policies changes in inventory finished products and work in progress
Accounting policies changes in value financial fixed assets and securities
Accounting policies changes in value of investment properties
Accounting policies changes in value of real estate portfolio
Accounting policies concessions
Accounting policies cost of outsourced work and other external expenses
Accounting policies cost of sales
Accounting policies costs of accounting
Accounting policies costs of raw materials and consumables
Accounting policies current liabilities
Accounting policies decrease in value of current assets
Accounting policies decrease in value of current assets
Accounting policies depreciation fixed assets
Accounting policies equity and group equity
Accounting policies events after the balance date
Accounting policies exceptional items
Accounting policies financial fixed assets
Accounting policies financial income and expenses
Accounting policies financial instruments
Accounting policies for the balance sheet
Accounting policies general and administrative expenses
Accounting policies gross margin
Accounting policies impairment loss of an individual asset that is material
Accounting policies impairments of individual fixed assets
Accounting policies intangible fixed assets
Accounting policies inventory
Accounting policies legal reserves
Accounting policies liabilities not included in balance sheet
Accounting policies liveability costs
Accounting policies loans for directors and supervisory directors
Accounting policies long-term debts
Accounting policies member payments
Accounting policies net realized result on sale of real estate portfolio
Accounting policies net result exploitation of real estate portfolio
Accounting policies net result other activities
Accounting policies net result sold real estate under development
Accounting policies net turnover
Accounting policies not yet exercised granted rights
Accounting policies number of employees
Accounting policies of income and expenses from relationships with other affiliated entities
Accounting policies of income and expenses from relationship with group companies
Accounting policies other changes in value fixed assets
Accounting policies other disclosures
Accounting policies other notes profit and loss account
Accounting policies other operating expenses
Accounting policies other operating income
Accounting policies other organizational costs
Accounting policies other reserves
Accounting policies personnel expenses
Accounting policies profit and loss accounts
Accounting policies profit per share
Accounting policies provisions
Accounting policies real estate properties
Accounting policies realized changes in the value of investments
Accounting policies receivables
Accounting policies release revaluation reserve
Accounting policies remuneration of directors and supervisory directors
Accounting policies result allocation
Accounting policies result from receivables that are part of the fixed assets and from securities
Accounting policies result of the financial year
Accounting policies revaluation reserves
Accounting policies sales related expenses
Accounting policies securities
Accounting policies share-based payments
Accounting policies share in result of participations
Accounting policies share in result third parties
Accounting policies share of third parties
Accounting policies share premium
Accounting policies social security expenses
Accounting policies statutory reserves
Accounting policies sum of costs
Accounting policies tangible fixed assets
Accounting policies taxes
Accounting policies undivided profit
Accounting policies unrealized changes in the value of investments
Accounting policies VAT return
Accounting policies wages and salaries
Accounting policies work in progress
Accounting principles applied to the measurement of assets and liabilities
Activated production for own use
Adjustment of comparative figures
Annual report
Auditor's review report
Average number of employees
Balance sheet - Micro
Budget in annual accounts
Cash & banks
Changes in inventory
Changes in value of real estate portfolio
Cost of outsourced work and other external expenses
Cost of sales
Costs of raw materials and consumables
Current liabilities
Debts to lending institutions
Depreciations of intangible and tangible fixed assets
Differences between consolidated and non-consolidated financial statement
Director's report
Engagement letter
Equalization reserve
Financial fixed assets
Financial income and expenses
General administrative expenses
General and administrative expenses
General notes
General notes
General notes financial statements
General notes for accounting policies
General principles
General settings - annual account
Gross margin
Income and expenses from previous years
Intangible fixed assets
Interest expenses and similar expenses
Interest income and similar income
Legal reserve
Letter of representation
Liveability costs
Long term debts
Management report
Medium - Balance Sheet
Medium - Cash flow statement
Medium - profit and loss account
Member payments
Minutes of the General Meeting
Model A - Balance Sheet: Assets and liabilities on one page
Model B - Balance Sheet: Assets and liabilities on separate pages - Assets
Model B - Balance Sheet: Assets and liabilities on separate pages - Liabilities
Model E - Profit and loss account: Net result specified
Model F - Profit and loss account: Net result totalized
Model I - Profit and loss account: Gross margin
Net realized result on sale of real estate portfolio
Net result exploitation of real estate portfolio
Net result other activities
Net result sold real estate under development
Net sales
Note proposal distribution of result
Note VAT return
Off Balance Sheet arrangements
Other information
Other operating expenses
Other operating income
Other organizational costs
Other reserves
Other value changes
Overview notes
Personnel expenses
Principles for the determination of the result
Profit and loss account - Micro
Proposal distribution of result financial statements
Real estate properties
Receivables from group companies
Release revaluation reserve
Result from receivables that are part of the fixed assets and from securities
Revaluation reserve
Sales related expenses
Share in result of companies in which is participated
Share in third parties
Share premium reserve
Signature owners and directors
Signing of the financial statement
Social security expenses
Statement of Cash Flows
Subsequent events
Tangible fixed assets
Tax & social securities
Text differences in AA publication
Value adjustments of intangible and tangible fixed assets and real estate properties
Value adjustments to financial fixed assets and securities
Wages and salaries
Work in progress
Workflow working screens
Compilation annual account (medium)
Preparing annual accounts (micro/small & midsize)
Preparing the annual accounts
4. Preparing the annual accounts
Compilation annual accounts (micro/small & midsize)