Marketplace NL Reports
NL Reports
by Silverfin - NL

A number of standard reports, based on RGS, which help you to present all of the financial data.

The following reports are availbable:

  • Cashflow (indirect)
  • Balance sheet
  • Balance sheet and Profit and loss account
  • Profit and loss account
  • Profit and loss account Short
  • Profit and loss account EBITDA
  • Financial analyses

Each report contains a selection of different period combinatians which can be selected when the report is active.
There are also several charts available in each report.

This package includes
Balance sheet / Profit and loss account (RGS)
Balance sheet (RGS)
Cashflow (indirect) (RGS)
Financial analysis (RGS)
Model E - Profit and loss account: Net result specified
Model F - Profit and loss account: Net result totalized
Model I - Profit and loss account: Gross margin
Profit and loss account EBITDA (RGS)
Profit and loss account (RGS)
Profit and loss account Short (RGS)