Marketplace Monthly Closing working program
Monthly Closing working program
door RS Finance
Working papers

Working program for monthly closing of the trial balance.

Struggling with your monthly follow-up for the administration?
Do you want to offer your clients monthly updated finance reports? We can help!

The Monthly Closing working program makes it possible for administrative and accountancy firms to control the process of monthly or quarterly closings.

It guides your administrative staff and assistants through all the necessary steps of the administrative closing.
After a proper monthly closing you can rely on the financial administration for interim reporting.
It includes signaling of important items between colleagues and prepares the topics that need to be discussed with the client. By the end of the year the administration is checked and all ready for preparation of the annual statements.

Het pakket bevat
101 - Inleiding klant
102 - Quickscan
201 - Afsluiten administratie
202 - Samenstelwaardig
301 - Initiële cijferbeoordeling & materialiteit
401 - Periodieke afsluiting
402 - Samenstelwaardig
410 - Samenstelwaardig
501 - Klantspecifieke vragen
502 - Samenstelwaardig
601 - Afsluitende cijferbeoordeling
Workflow working screens
Samenstelwaardig: Afsluiting administratie
Samenstelwaardig: Afsluiting administratie