Marketplace NL - SBR Nexus annual account
NL - SBR Nexus annual account
door Silverfin

This package makes it possible to create an export file (XBRL) for filing to SBR Nexus (ING, Rabobank and ABNAMRO).

The corporation of the ING, Rabobank and ANBAMRO are requesting the annual account of all of the firms with debts.. SO also for firms as sole trader and partnerships.
The XBRL file is based on a special taxonomy: Financial Taxonomy. Each year a new version will be published.
It contains a template to register the special information needed to create this file and an export file to actually create it.
This file is to be uploaded in the tool to send if to the banks. In combination with the integration with MAP, CreAim, Pinkweb or Silvervin signing it will be published automatically on the specific portal and after that, send to SBR Nexus.
NOTE: Price to determined!

Het pakket bevat
NL SBR Nexus Jaarrekening
Aanvullende informatie
Aanvullende informatie - langlopende schulden
Aanvullende informatie - natuurlijk persoon
Algemene instellingen - SBR Nexus Jaarrekening
Workflow working screens
SBR Nexus Jaarrekening
SBR Nexus Jaarrekening