Marketplace BE Corporate tax (limited version)
BE Corporate tax (limited version)
door Silverfin
Corporation tax

All the templates you need to calculate the corporate tax (standard version)

Corporate tax (standard version) in silverfin allows you to prepare your tax calculation.

Information completed in your standard workflow is automatically link , e.g. the link between the rejected charges and the reconciliation fleet. The configuration box in each template on firm level allows you to set default ranges for your firm.

Want to see more? Upgrade to the corporate tax (full version)!

Het pakket bevat
204.3 - Waardeverminderingen en voorzieningen
275 A - Liquidatiereserve
275 C - Notionele interestaftrek
275 INNO - Aftrek innovatie-inkomsten
275 P - Octrooi-inkomsten
275 R - Investeringsreserve
275 RR - Wederopbouwreserve
275 U - Investeringsaftrek
275 W - Belastingkrediet
Afzonderlijke aanslagen
Algemene bedrijfsgegevens
Autokosten (verworpen uitgaven)
Belaste en vrijgestelde reserves
Definitief belaste inkomsten
Verworpen uitgaven
Workflow Configurations
Workflow working screens
Vennootschapsbelasting basis
Vennootschapsbelasting basis