Marketplace NL Calculate fiscal position
NL Calculate fiscal position
door Silverfin - NL
Working papers

A set of templates to determine quick and easy the taxable amount of profit, a presentation of this calculation in the annual account and it offers a complete overview for the tax department.

This set of templates helps you to determine the taxable amount for the different entities (income tax - for sole traders and VOf- and corporate tax).
Not included in this offering is a full tax return preparation nor to file tax returns towards the tax authorities. Our goal is to offer an easy set to estimate recoverable / payable taxes to be included in the annual accounts.

All of the templates are available in Dutch & English!

Het pakket bevat
Aftrekbare giften
Algemene instellingen - fiscale positie
Belastbaar bedrag (inkomstenbelasting)
Fictieve personeelskosten fondswervende instellingen
Fiscale positie & winstberekening
Investeringsaftrek (KIA/MIA/EIA)
Niet-aftrekbare bedragen
Niet- of beperkt aftrekbare kosten
Royalty's en rente
Vrijgestelde winstbestanddelen
Wijzigingen in toelaatbare reserves
Wijzigingen in toelaatbare reserves (Inkomstenbelasting)
Winst uit medegerechtigdheid
Winst uit zeescheepvaart
Workflow working screens
Fiscale positie
Fiscale positie