Marketplace NOW 2 derdenverklaring working program
NOW 2 derdenverklaring working program
par RS Finance

Working paper for the 'derdenverklaring' for NOW 2.

Build a complete file for the ‘Derdenverklaring’ that is needed for the NOW 2.

All the prescribed questions are available and the working program allows you and your colleagues to document the answers, add supporting documents and run a review.

You can also document any corrections and responses from the client.

Ce paquet comprend
NOW2 - 001 - Voorbereiding
NOW2 - 002 - Gesprek met de klant
NOW2 - 003 - Vaststellen omzetdaling
NOW2 - 004 - Vaststellen lonen
NOW2 - 005 - Afronding
Workflow working screens
NOW2 - Checklist
NOW2- Checklist