Marketplace UK Annual Accounts - Ltd Companies (FRS 102)
UK Annual Accounts - Ltd Companies (FRS 102)
par Silverfin
Statutory reports
United Kingdom

Say goodbye to inefficient, cluncky accounts production software. Say hello to smart, efficient, connected annual accounts.

A full FRS 102 Section 1a financial statement suite with direct integration to Xero, Quickbooks and Sage 50. Long gone are the days of posting journals to split out TB balances for financial statement disclosure purposes. Use our easy input forms and even automate a number of financial statement disclosures when used in conjunction with the Silverfin working paper package.

Both full and abridge presentation options are supported.

The package is has full inbuilt iXBRL functionality (yes that's right, we never ask you to tag), with a direct link to file the financial statments with Companies House. Both full and filited filing options are available.

Fully tagged detiled profit and loss statement is also available for filing with your tax return.

Used by big 4 accountants!

Ce paquet comprend
Fichiers d'exportation
[UK&I] iXBRL FRS102-102 1A
[FRS102] Accountant's report / Auditor's report
[FRS102] Balance sheet
[FRS102] Company balance sheet
[FRS102] Company information
[FRS102] Company profit and loss account
[FRS102] Company statement of cash flows
[FRS102] Company statement of changes in equity
[FRS102] Company statement of comprehensive income
[FRS102] Consolidated balance sheet
[FRS102] Consolidated profit and loss account
[FRS102] Consolidated statement of cash flows
[FRS102] Consolidated statement of changes in equity
[FRS102] Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
[FRS102] Custom Report
[FRS102] Detailed profit and loss account
[FRS102] Directors' report
[FRS102] Note - Accounting policies
[FRS102] Note - Additional note 1
[FRS102] Note - Additional note 2
[FRS102] Note - Additional note 3
[FRS102] Note - Additional note 4
[FRS102] Note - Additional note 5
[FRS102] Note - Additional note 6
[FRS102] Note - Additional profit and loss note 1
[FRS102] Note - Additional profit and loss note 2
[FRS102] Note - Additional profit and loss note 3
[FRS102] Note - Additional profit and loss note 4
[FRS102] Note - Additional profit and loss note 5
[FRS102] Note - Additional profit and loss note 6
[FRS102] Note - Amended accounts
[FRS102] Note - Audit Opinion
[FRS102] Note - Auditors' remuneration
[FRS102] Note - Biological assets / Capital herd
[FRS102] Note - Business combinations
[FRS102] Note - Called up share capital & reserves
[FRS102] Note - Cash and cash equivalents
[FRS102] Note - Changes in equity
[FRS102] Note - Contingencies
[FRS102] Note - Convertible loans
[FRS102] Note - Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
[FRS102] Note - Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
[FRS102] Note - Critical accounting judgements
[FRS102] Note - Current asset investments
[FRS102] Note - Current biological assets
[FRS102] Note - Debtors
[FRS102] Note - Deferred tax
[FRS102] Note - Derivative financial instruments
[FRS102] Note - Directors' and secretary's interest in shares and debentures
[FRS102] Note - Directors remuneration
[FRS102] Note - Dividends on equity shares
[FRS102] Note - Employee numbers
[FRS102] Note - Events after the balance sheet date
[FRS102] Note - Exceptional item
[FRS102] Note - Finance costs
[FRS102] Note - Financial commitments
[FRS102] Note - Financial instruments
[FRS102] Note - Fixed asset investments
[FRS102] Note - Intangible assets
[FRS102] Note - Investment Property
[FRS102] Note - Liability of members
[FRS102] Note - Net debt reconciliation
[FRS102] Note - Off balance sheet arrangements
[FRS102] Note - Other operating income
[FRS102] Note - Prior year adjustment
[FRS102] Note - Profit (Loss) before taxation / Profit on ordinary activities before tax
[FRS102] Note - Provision for liabilities
[FRS102] Note - Provisions available for the audit of small entities
[FRS102] Note - Related party transactions
[FRS102] Note - Retirement benefit schemes
[FRS102] Note - Share based payments
[FRS102] Note - Staff number and costs
[FRS102] Note - Statement of cash flows
[FRS102] Note - Stocks
[FRS102] Notes to Detailed Profit and Loss Account
[FRS102] Note - Tangible fixed assets
[FRS102] Note - Tax on profit/(loss)
[FRS102] Note - Transition to FRS102
[FRS102] Note - Turnover
[FRS102] Note - Ultimate controlling party
[FRS102] Overview
[FRS102] Profit and loss account
[FRS102] Statement of cash flows
[FRS102] Statement of changes in equity
[FRS102] Statement of comprehensive income
[FRS102] Statement of Director's Responsibilities
[FRS102] Strategic Report
General settings
Workflow working screens
FRS 102 / FRS102 1A - Limited Company
FRS 102 / FRS102 1A