Marketplace BE - Personal Income Tax (Silverfin)
BE - Personal Income Tax (Silverfin)
by Silverfin
Personal tax

All the templates you need to prepare, calculate and submit the personal income tax.

Personal income tax in silverfin allows you to prepare your tax calculation by gathering data from your customer via a smart questionnaire which is linked to the working papers, TOW, MMF. Afterwards you only need to review and complete if necessary and submit it by xml to the tax authorities. The configuration box in some template on firm level allows you to set default questions in the questionnaire for your firm which make the flow to gather the data for the personal income tax even smoother.

This package includes
Export Files
XML - Belgian Personal Income Tax
Reconciliation Texts
Foreign bank accounts/life insurance and legal constructions
Immovable properties and loans
Immovable properties and loans
Legal Structures
Movable Income
Movable income
Personal Details
Personal Details
Professional and job-related income
Professional and job-related income - Part 1
Professional and job-related income - Part 2
Property rentals contributed as a professional expense
Real estate rentals contributed as a professional expense
Tax calculation
Tax Credits
Tax credits
Various Income
Various income
Win win loans
Winwin loans, friends shares and loans to start-up small companies
Working Papers - Dependants
Workflow Configurations
Workflow working screens
Questionnaire Personal Income Tax
Working Papers Personal Income Tax
Questionnaire Personal Income Tax
Working Papers Personal Income Tax
Insight Segments
Personal Income Tax Files Status