Marketplace LU Annual accounts
LU Annual accounts
by Silverfin
Statutory reports

All the templates you need to prepare and submit the annual accounts (xml and pdf) !

This package include the necessary templates to prepare annual accounts (ecdf in both xml and pdf, accounts notes, and the management report) for Luxembourgish companies.
This package is applicable to small, medium, and large commercial companies incorporated under S.A S.à r.l., S.à r.l-s, S.C.A, and S.C.S

This package includes
Export Files
eCDF XML export - LU Annual Accounts
Reconciliation Texts
Accounting policies
Advances and loans granted to members of management and supervisory bodies
Amounts owed to credit institutions
Annual accounts settings
Auditor’s fees
Capital and reserves
Cover page
Debenture loans
Deferred income
Derivative financial instruments other than financial fixed assets
eCDF - Balance sheet
eCDF - Profit and Loss Accounts
eCDF - Standard Chart of Accounts
eCDF - Validation rules
Financial assets
Formation expenses
General information
Governance information (DO NOT USE)
Gross profit or loss
Income from other investments and loans forming part of the fixed assets
Income from participating interests
Intangible assets
Interest payable and similar expenses
Management report
Net turnover
Off-balance sheet commitments
Other interest receivable and similar income
Other operating expenses
Other operating income
Other operating income and other operating expenses
Overview account notes
Raw materials and consumables and other external charges
Related parties transactions
Remuneration paid to the Management and supervisory bodies
Share of profit or loss of undertakings accounted for under the equity method
Staff costs
Subsequent events
Tangible assets
Value adjustments
Value adjustments in respect of financial assets and of investments held as current assets
Variation in stocks of finished goods and in work in progress
Work performed by the undertaking for its own purposes and capitalised
Workflow working screens
Annual accounts workflow screen
Annual accounts