Marketplace NL - Working program compilation
NL - Working program compilation
by SRA
Compliance checklists

SRA Working program compilation.

The SRA Compilation working program enables you to have a COS 4410 Compliant file.

Compiling the SRA work program allows you to optimize significantly the efficiency and quality of the work in your office. Based on the steering questions and documented decisions, the program guides you to the most efficient and effective work program for your composition assignment.
The SRA Work Programs have been developed by members of the SRA Professional Technical Bureau, under the supervision of the SRA Committee for Professional Accountancy. The work programs are in line with the SRA Handbooks and practical guides.

The user fee for the SRA Work Program (the content) depends on the number of files in Silverfin. This concerns the number of annual accounts.

Number of files – Price per file

  • 0 - 50 * € 7,40
  • 51 - 250 * € 3,40
  • 251 - 500 * € 1,70
  • more than 500 * € 1,10

The minimum number of files is 50. The minimum fee is therefore (50 * € 6.50) € 325 per year per office.

SRA content can only be bought by SRA members. Not yet a member, please visit SRA + Silverfin

Already an SRA member and interested in using the working program in Silverfin?
Please email us at and we will prepare it for you in your Silvefin environment.

This package includes
Reconciliation Texts
Werkprogramma administratie
Working program - Administration
Working program - Cash and bank
Working program - Closing evaluation
Working program - Configuration page
Working program - Contingent assets and liabilities
Working program - Corporate tax
Working program - Creditors
Working program - Debtors
Working program - Debts to lending institutions
Working program - Depreciations
Working program - Equity/Capital
Working program - Evaluation
Working program - Financial income minus expenses
Working program - Finish task
Working program - Intangible fixed assets
Working program - Inventory
Working program - Long term debts
Working program - Materiality
Working program - Other annual accounts topics
Working program - Other business expenses
Working program - Other debts and deferred liabilities
Working program - Other financial fixed assets
Working program - Other receivables
Working program - Participations
Working program - Personnel expenses
Working program - Preparation
Working program - Provisions
Working program - Receivables
Working program - Salaries
Working program - Securities
Working program - Summary
Working program - Tangible fixed assets
Working program - Turnover/cost turnover
Working program - Turnover tax
Working program - Work in progress
Workflow working screens
Yearly working program compilation (SRA)
Yearly working program compilation (SRA)