Marketplace Financial plan
Financial plan
by Fintrax
Working papers

All the tools you need for the best financial plan.

This tool provides the financial analyses that are required at incorporation of a limited liability company, and it is compliant with the Belgian Company Code dd. 23rd of March 2019 (Art. 5:4).

The Financial Plan combines financial information of the client (e.g. revenue estimates, margins, cost structure, investments) and End User adjustable hypotheses/input. The final output of the package is a complete report which summarises the input and delivers a budgeted balance sheet, profit and loss and cash flow statement. The output report is compliant with the legal requirements and can be used by the notary for incorporation of a Belgian limited liability company.

For a demo, click here!

Please note that minimum license fees may apply. For more info, contact your customer success manager or:

Please contact for all comments and fixes.

This package includes
Reconciliation Texts
Balance sheet
Balance sheet (Quarter)
Balance sheet (Year)
Cashflow (Quarter)
Cashflow (Year)
Description of the activities
Hypotheses appropriation account
Hypotheses corporate tax
Hypotheses direct costs
Hypotheses equity movement
Hypotheses financial result
Hypotheses financing
Hypotheses investments
Hypotheses other operating result
Hypotheses payment terms
Hypotheses personnel costs
Hypotheses revenue
Hypotheses services and other goods
Hypotheses working capital
Legal Report
Profit and loss (Quarter)
Profit and loss (Year)
Sources of financing
Workflow working screens
Financial plan
Financieel plan - Rapport
Financial plan - Report
Plan financier - Rapport
Financieel plan wettelijke bepalingen
Financial plan legal provisions
Plan financier dispositions juridiques
Business plan